Uptime.ly Migration

April 17, 5:27am EDT

Uptime.ly Migration

Status: closed
Date: April 17, 5:26am EDT
Affected Components:
Status pages Admin application Notification services Third Party Integrations

April 17, 5:26am EDT

April 17, 5:26am EDT

Hi All,

As many of you know earlier this year we released the newest version of our product re-branded as StatusCast. In the last few months we have maintained both Uptime.ly and StatusCast in order to give people time to make the switch, as well as to collect feedback on our major changes. 


Admin access to app.uptime.ly will be available up until June 1st, and access to your Uptime.ly status page will be available through the rest of 2015. At this time no new enhancements or changes will be made to Uptime.ly, so if you have not yet made the switch to StatusCast then please access it through your new URL:




Once you have logged in you will find all original settings and posts have been ported over for your convenience, and you should see a prompt upon login to finalize the changeover. All administrative activities including incident posting and configuration changes should be made through your StatusCast admin portal.


For a quick tour of the new interface you can select 'Enable Tutorial' from your company drop down, if not prompted automatically. You should also see in the bottom right of your admin portal a ? button, which you can use to contact our team directly if you have any questions or issues that need to be addressed.


We're very excited to share this new version with all of our customers, and look forward to sharing additional updates and new features as we roll them out.


- The StatusCast Team
