E-mail templating is now available!

December 31, 9:01am EST

E-mail templating is now available!

Status: closed
Date: December 31, 9:00am EST
Affected Components:
Status pages Admin application Notification services Third Party Integrations

December 31, 9:00am EST

December 31, 9:00am EST


As many of you have heard, Uptime.ly is in the process of launching a brand new version of our service.  In the process, we are re-branding ourselves as StatusCast.com!

You can access the new version of your application status page by going to http://yourdomain.statuscast.com

You can administer your new application status page by going to http://yourdomain.statuscast.com/admin

This new version has a ton of great features not available in version 1 (including the ability to self-host your status page).  However, the number one feature asked for by our customers has been the ability to create custom e-mail templates.  This feature is now in beta from your Statuscast account.  You will need to accept the upgrade to statuscast before it starts working.  To edit your templates, navigate to "Email Templates" from the left menu options.

Because this feature is in beta, we have made it available to everyone for a period of time.  Eventually this will be a paid-only feature not available to free accounts.   Please feel free to send us feedback.  We would love to hear from you.

take care,

The Statuscast Team